See the ETL documentation.


There are two ETL’s in the project. The first (ETL) brings in the report & user metadata. The second ETL (ETL-Run Data) brings in the run data.

User data is imported from LDAP, Hyperspace and SSRS servers. You can scheduled the scripts from /LDAP to run daily on your SQL Server.


Steps to Run

  1. Run database create scripts (LDAP, Data Governance, DG Staging). Set Datagov user credentials in database.

  2. If you want to add demo data you can run the Data Governance database seeding script

  3. Configure and run python LDAP script. Modify script and to match your LDAP build. Schedule in SQL Agent Jobs

  4. Configure and run Atlas ETL’s (main ETL and run data)

  • Delete SSRS sections if not used

  • Update Clarity server and credentials

  • Update Database connection strings

  • Schedule ETL’s in SQL Agent Jobs

  1. Populate Atlas/appsettings.json & appsettings.Development.json

  2. Run website locally in Visual Studio

  3. Update publish settings & publish