About the Web UI¶
The app is built using C# Razor Pages, HTML, CSS and Javascript.
The app is currently using SQL Server, with a “database first” model.
The database can be created by running the script “Data Governance WebaApp/DatabaseCreationScript.sql”.
Updates to the database are pulled in with the following scafold commmand:
# after running this commande we need to manually delete connection string from db context file
Scaffold-DbContext "Server=rhbidb01;Database=atlas;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models -force -Context Atlas_WebContext -Namespace Atlas_Web.Models
Upon DB changes the file “webapp/DatabaseCreationScript.sql” should be updated. This can be done in SSMS by right clicking the db > clicking tasks > script database.
Customizations for a model are created in the model/customizations/ folder.
Attempt made to follow wise guidance from :smile:
There is a primary css file (main.min.css
) containing items used on ever page (or could be used on every page, like search), this is loaded immediately. There is a secondary css file (differed.min.css
) that is loaded async. The visible stuff on the page should not rely on this file - it should contain animations, hidden items, etc.
Any page specific css can be inlined.
Javascript is broken up in to mini self executing functions. These are compliled into a few files -
a primary file that contains only what is required to render all pages correctly
a utility file containing functions required on all pages, but not used during render
many smalll files with functions used for “fancy features” that are loaded “as needed”
a unique files containing code only used in one section of the site. These files are then either lazy loaded or inlined into the page, depending on when they are required
In order to lazyload javascript and still keep the file version identifier we use a textarea and then load the contents of it as scripts.
Place any scripts to lazyload inside <textarea class="postLoadScripts"></textarea>
A typical tab layout -
<!-- tab control -->
<div class="tab">
<a class="tab-lnk active" href="#tabone">Tab One</a>
<a class="tab-lnk" href="#tabtwo">Tab Two</a>
<!-- tab body -->
<div class="tab-cnt">
<div class="tab-dta active" id="tabone">
Contents of Tab One
<div class="tab-dta" id="tabtwo">
Contents of Tab Two
A table is created using this syntax - classes are optional.
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table sort table-border">
Links are simple created with an href and left classless. Style are applied at the tag level. When possile use links that are not Razor Pages dependent. .. code :: html
<a href=”Reports?”>
A typical collapse -
<h1 data-toggle="clps" data-target="collapse-one">Collapse Link</h1>
<div id="collapse-one" class="clps" role="tabpanel" >
Collapse contents go here.
A carousel is created with a basic outline -
A chart is created with json inside a script tag -
<script type="application/json">
a = {
axis: {
0: {
title: 'hits'
1: {
title: 'seconds'
2: {
title: 'clicks'
type: 'bar',
height: 400,
title: "Cool Chart",
data: [{
title: "Run Time (s)",
axis: 0,
type: "bar",
units: "(s)",
data: [{
title: "Stack 1",
data: 12
}, {
title: "Runs",
type: "bar",
axis: 1,
data: [{
title: "Stack 1",
data: 641
}, {
title: "Clicks",
type: "line",
axis: 2,
data: [{
title: "Stack 1",
data: 61
options: {
legend: false
Progress bar¶
A progress bar exists on all pages and can be triggered with javascript events -
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('progress-reset'));
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('progress-start'));
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('progress-finish'));
or to specify a value besides 100% to get to
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('progress-start', {
cancelable: true,
detail: {
value: 90 //max %
Tooltips can be added to any item and will appear to the left on hover.
<a href="#" data-tooltip="Nice Tip!">Link to nowhere</a>
To make the tooltip appear above the elementy add a class tt-top
<a class="tt-top" href="#" data-tooltip="Nice Tip!">Link to nowhere</a>
Banner Messages¶
Add a global site paramter in the webapp settings > global settings. Name: msg Description: <Message Text> Value: <id used to show message>
Show message by adding the message ID to the url:
To have a sitewide message that does not require a URL param, leave the Value
box blank when creating the param.
### Editor
Most editor description type fields support markdown. Most description fields also support flow charts from flowchart.js, wrapped in tripple ` with mermaid tag.
Ajax content¶
Content can be dynamically loaded by creating a div with a few attributes. The returned content must be wrapped in a single tag.
<div data-ajax="yes" data-url="pate/to/page" data-param="stuff to append to url" data-loadtag="optional tag to load from response"></div>
Add the “cache” attribute to attempt to locally cache the data. The data will cache for 30 mins.
The dynamic content must be wrapped with a single element as it will completely replace the original element. The data attributes will be copied to the new content so that it will be possible to refresh it later on.
Linking to Atlas from a Dashboard
Create a link component
Select a source of Component Editor
Select an Activity type link
Give your link a label
In the parameters, list the Atlas activity, and then runparams:<URL of the content> (like below)