
Deploy to IIS

Deploying with Visual Studio is the preferred method. After opening the web.sln file -

  • First update web/appsettings.json with the correct settings for your database and organization.

  • In Visual Studio’s menu, click Build then Publish Web

  • Create a new publish profile.

    • Choose Web Server (IIS) as the Target

    • Choose Web Deploy as the Specific target

    • Enter your IIS Server name

    • Enter your Site name. This must match the site name already created on the web server (atlas-dev)

    • Enter the web url in Destination URL

    • Optionally enter you credentials for the web server

  • After the profile is created click Edit to change additional settings.

  • Change to the Settings tab and change the Target Runtime to match the web servers .NET bitness.

    Edit publish profile
  • In order to successfully publish the connection must be validated to allow self-signed certificates.

    Validate connection
    ssl warning
    ssl confirm


    The connection must be re-verified every time Visual Studio is restarted.

  • Finally publish Atlas by clicking Publish button.

    Publish Atlas

Atlas is fairly simple to manually deploy.

  • First pull Atlas’s source code onto the server

  • Update web/appsettings.json with the correct settings for your database and organization.

  • Run dotnet publish from the web folder to build the Atlas runtime.

    dotnet publish -r win-x86 --self-contained false -c Release -o out


    Ensure the bitness matches the bitness of the .NET version you’ve installed on the server!

  • Copy the contents of the newly created out directory into the c://inetpub/wwwroot/atlas-dev folder.

Navigate to your binding and Atlas should be available!